Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sweet Simplicity

Today i was inspired by the children here at the home. Because it's a Sunday, we had the absolute privilege of taking the babies to church. As we scattered in and found a seat at the front, the sound of singing filled the room.  I looked around and saw children of all ages holding hands and dancing. Their voices sent shivers down my spine as they broke into sections and harmonies, while others performed solos. I browsed the room for what i thought was drums, only to realise that the children were just using the objects around them. Tables, chairs etc. Then, when the singing stopped, a young girl around 12 years old took to the stage. She opened up what looked to be an extremely old and damaged bible and began to read. The spirit in her voice was unmistakable. There were no adults apart from a few caretakers. The children ran the service, and more importantly the  children wanted to be there. The service continued song after song, followed by prayers. The service was simple, yet realer than anything I've ever experienced. I was raised in church but never have i witnessed anything so pure. I am no longer religious, but sitting there in a room full of those who are, I realised that if i believe in anything, it's people and their ability to remain hopeful despite all odds and to support each other through all feats. I believe that the extraordinary trumps the ordinary, any day. I believe that having something to hope for, even if it's just a better tomorrow - is the most powerful thing. I came here in hopes to add something to these children's lives, but never had i imagined the impact they would have on mine. I am truly blessed to be amongst such amazing people. What an experience this has been.

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