Sunday, July 1, 2012

BF Day

Today was a Bernie Fatima day and it was. .Let’s just say interesting. I sat by and watched as my girls freaked out about what to wear and how to do their hair and they all seemed to look to me for advice. I tied bows, plaited hair, the works!

When it came time for the dance, the girls and boys were on opposite sides of the dance floor and after tireless efforts of trying to integrate them we finally had what they call a “snowball.” You grab one of your girls and take them over to a boy and they have to dance together. The first time this happened the girls ran off and hid from me. By the third time this, they were all lining up. I have to admit, it was really cute watching my girls dance with the boys. One of the boys made sure he had a full conversation with my girl and knew her name before he danced with her.
After the dance we had fireworks to celebrate the 4th of July even though it was the 1st of July. It was so peaceful just to sit there and watch the majestic colours appear in the sky.

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