Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Today the American Camp Association (ACA) visited Camp Bernadette in order to re-accredit us and it was stressful! My boss accidentally mixed the schedule up meaning that we set up the equipment thinking we had a group of girls when we didn’t. Due to that, we got into trouble for having the equipment set up while no one was in the woods and my boss was really upset with herself.

Not long after they left, it started to storm and we went into what is called hibernation. I have never seen anything like it. The water started to look like our beaches even though it was a lake, the whole cabin was shaking, water was leaking in and the sky was completely lit up by the lighting. All my girls were so scared so I got them all to come over and sit with me, and Susanna (our awesome CIT) played the guitar while we tried to out sing the storm. It’s crazy how quickly the weather changes here because 15 minutes later it was sunny again. They have a saying here, “Welcome to New England, don’t like the weather? Wait a minute.”

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