Sunday, July 8, 2012

Tongue Twisted Central

Today the new campers arrived and again, it was chaos! One by one the parents arrived with their huge trunks, each demanding something different. It feels so weird having new campers. They were so much quieter at first and more independent than our last group of girls……Buttt! As the day went on it was clear we were going to get along. They are crazy! They called me the “Wizard of AUS” because I’m Australian and they laugh at everything. It’s going to be really confusing with their names though. We have two Lauren’s, two Emma’s, two Jillian’s, a Katy and Caitlyn, a Carissa and Alyssa and a Macy and Jaymee. Welcome to tongue twisted central!

I am excited to get to know these girls and hopefully sew into their lives.

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