Monday, October 22, 2012

Day by Day

Lost for words, not sure what to say
Living my life, day by day
It all feels so wrong, like something’s missing
Where’s the person, I discovered while traveling
I explored, I laughed, I loved and I cried,
I learnt, I taught, I experienced and tried,
But now I’m back home and I’m stuck in a rut,
Alone, abandoned, broken and cut
Everything’s different, the change is extreme
I feel invisible, un-heard of, unseen
In America I was someone, an inspiration to all,
But here I’m just average, just Aimee, that’s all
Where’s the spark that I ignited abroad
That feeling I discovered, where I almost soared
I wish life was simple, that I could be free
But here at home, I’m bound by reality
I question my friends, and if they truly care
I ponder my future, and blankly stare
I just want to travel, and see the world
One dream, one vision, one journey, one girl
But I guess for now, I have to be patient
My day will come, it will all make sense
Until then though, I’ll continue to stay
Living my life, day by day

Friday, October 12, 2012

Next Chapter?

At the moment I feel lost. Lost for words, lost for action. I have no idea where to begin. I'm in so much pain both physically and emotionally. The Doctors think I may have pneumonia. I can't think, can't move, can't do anything. It's great to see my family again but I feel alone. Two of my friends are in South Australia and the rest have moved on with their own lives. It's like I am frozen in time while I'm watching the rest of the world pass me by. I don't know where to go or who to turn to or simply, how to begin this healing process. I just experienced the trip of a life time. I laughed. I cried. I loved. I experienced. I learnt. But most of all I discovered a whole new side to myself. A side no one back home has met and now that I have returned, I am fighting harder than ever to keep that side of me. To ensure that no one puts me back inside that box I spent so much of my life in... It's difficult for people to understand the way I am feeling right now because I myself am struggling to understand. My body has shut down but my mind is still going 100 kilomoters per hour. I want to go out and see my friends, I want to return to work, I want to return to life but I just can't. How can I return to a normal life after such an extraordinary experience. Every step I take forward seems to be followed by ten steps backward. Every time I think I am feeling better, something shouts "Just kidding" and the pain starts all over again. I've contacted my friends but they are all so busy and who can blame them?
Don't get me wrong. I don't feel sorry for myself. I knew that this day would come. I knew it was going to be difficult to return to reality after such a life changing journey. The truth is, I glady accept these feelings because I know they only exist solely because I have experienced something most people my age could never imagine. Right now I am at a fragile point where I am faced with a decision. A complicated decision. To return to living life the way I used to, or to take on a new chapter of my life.Yes my trip may have ended but my journey still continues... Next chapter?

Saturday, October 6, 2012

San Diego

San Diego, so much to see, so much to experience. I spent the last four days in San Diego and feel like I could have spent another 40. I stayed in a hostel called the Banana Bungalow, located right on the beach. There is something special about the Banana Bungalow. Something I can't quite put my finger on. The bungalow has clearly become home to many different people from across the world, one of whom is me. From the day I arrived people kept telling me that I would extend my stay and I laughed because at the time that seemed out of the picture. Three days was more than enough wasn't it?

There's something special about the Bungalow though. While you're there everyone becomes your family. It doesn't matter who you are, where your from or what your background is. You're all there for the same purpose and for that reason, everyone fits in. I loved the company of the individuals I was with and I even ended up extending my stay. Who would have guessed? It was honestly just the ultimate location and experience. I met some amazing people, visited Sea World, San Diego zoo, had a nice beach day, had some wild nights, got to go paddle boarding, visisted Balboa Park, and La Jolla.

Monday, October 1, 2012

The ultimate combination

Eight days left and I am exhausted both physically and mentally. My body and brain are just about to shut down and yet, I still have so much more to see. The truth is though, I just want to come home. This little traveler admits that she is home sick and ready to clip her wings for a while. The worst part is that I know I'm going to get home and just want travel again.... I just can't win. I guess the best thing to do is just to distract myself and that's exactly what I am doing. 

Today I spent the day in in Universal Studios and it was absolutely mind blowing. The whole time I kept wishing my brother's were there as I learnt more and more about the magic and magnificence behind film making. The film world is a whole other world where anything can happen. You find yourself caught between a great battle between King Kong and a T-Rex or under the attack of jaws the giant man eating shark. For once I could see things through my brother's eyes and really understand why they love film making so much.

The rides in universal were incredible. They combined the thrill that you get from a regular ride, with the 4D world of film, creating the ultimate experience. It feels so real. You feel the heat from a missile as it flies past your face, experience the rumble of each explosion and each second of the ride is exhilarating. Something is happening in every direction. It's amazing what you can create when you combine both worlds and I am so thrilled to have experienced it.

Happy 100th anniversary Universal Studios.