Monday, October 22, 2012

Day by Day

Lost for words, not sure what to say
Living my life, day by day
It all feels so wrong, like something’s missing
Where’s the person, I discovered while traveling
I explored, I laughed, I loved and I cried,
I learnt, I taught, I experienced and tried,
But now I’m back home and I’m stuck in a rut,
Alone, abandoned, broken and cut
Everything’s different, the change is extreme
I feel invisible, un-heard of, unseen
In America I was someone, an inspiration to all,
But here I’m just average, just Aimee, that’s all
Where’s the spark that I ignited abroad
That feeling I discovered, where I almost soared
I wish life was simple, that I could be free
But here at home, I’m bound by reality
I question my friends, and if they truly care
I ponder my future, and blankly stare
I just want to travel, and see the world
One dream, one vision, one journey, one girl
But I guess for now, I have to be patient
My day will come, it will all make sense
Until then though, I’ll continue to stay
Living my life, day by day

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