Sunday, June 24, 2012


Today I met my campers and wow! The parents rocked up early with massive trunks that had everything a child could possibly need including cheetah patterned duck tape? It was absolute chaos! I stood back overwhelmed as more and more people seemed to poor into the tiny room.  I have 12 girls aged 11 and 10 and they are all so beautiful. I even got a $20 tip.

Once the parents FINALLY left, we started off with a few games and 1 hour into it I misplaced one of my thongs (they call them flip flops) and made the mistake of asking my kids, “Has anyone seen my thong?” The look of disgust they gave me was hilarious.

My girls love my accent and have been asking me questions such as, “What language do you speak in Australia?” and “Do you own a kangaroo?” They also keep asking me if they can have my email address so they can contact me after camp.

When it was time for lunch we sat down with our kids and us staff did a camp song that involved us running outside and jumping in the lake. The kids watched with laughter from inside as we all swam to the dock and finished the rest of the song. Apart from a bit of homesickness and a sore stomache, we had a really successful day. I feel so blessed to have 12 such beautiful young girls in my cabin.

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