Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 1

Today was my first day doing ropes with kids and I have to admit I didn’t feel ready. The first age group I had was 5 and 6 and I tried to play the animal name game with them which failed miserably. It was hard enough getting them to say their own name let alone everyone else’s names. I guess it’s all just trial and era. I had a really fantastic night with my cabin though. We got into a deep discussion about bullying and how it’s important to stick up for those who are being bullied. I think I really got through to them and it was amazing to see some of the things people got bullied for. One girl said that her friends make fun of her because she is blonde, saying that she is dumb even though she tops in all her tests. It’s ridiculous how many people bully because of jealousy and how little people witnessing it will do. We then had a little sing along with our counselor in training, Maria who brought her ukulele. She has the biggest personality and is so full of life. I love having her in our cabin. Finally we had a model walk down the cabin and I showed them how Australians model. I surfed down the aisle singing the batman theme song. All in all I’d say it was a pretty great day.

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