Saturday, August 25, 2012

Chapter 2: Hello America!

So, I finally made it to NYC.. Surprised? So am I! Once I got to the bus stop, I was nervous but ready. I pulled out my map and made my way to the subway where I caught the train to 103rd street. People were staring at me as I stumbled through NY with my giant bag in the extreme heat. So many people stopped to asked me if I was lost and then pointed me in the right direction. Others were just clapping and pointing towards the direction of the hostel. I began to feel like that girl from the AAMI add where everyone starts cheering for her and pointing to where she needed to go. 

Half an hour later, dripping with sweat I made it to my hotel by 5:55pm only to realise that the welcome meeting was at 6pm. When I first saw the group, I was nervous because they were all in couples, or what it seemed anyway. I soon then discovered 6 others who were traveling alone. We then commenced the meeting, introduced ourselves and for the first time ever, I felt young. I started to question what on earth I was doing on the other side of the world by myself. My bag was twice the size of every one else's and I was half the size of every one else. Then I thought, well I made it this far so I must be doing something right? Right!

 I can do this!

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