Thursday, August 30, 2012

On top of the world

This morning I woke up to the sound of what I thought was The Niagara Falls collapsing on us.. Turns out it was just a train passing by. : / 
Anyway, today we went to Toronto where we saw Yonge street (the longest street in the world 1,896km long) and the CN tower. The CN tower had such an amazing view, I felt on top of the world, most probably because I practically was. The CN tower is Canada's largest building and used to be the largest in the world. It stands 1, 815 tall. In the CN tower we rode the glass elevator which was quite daunting and stood on glass flooring.  We also went on this ridiculously lame ride that we couldn't help but laugh about. After that, we headed back to our van where some of us wrote a lame rap to perform at the camp fire.

Boredom will make you do crazy things. 

Next stop, Algonquin.

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