Sunday, August 26, 2012

Step into the future

So we had a semi-early start today.. We had to leave by 7:30am in order to have enough time to explore NYC. We took a cruise past the statue of of liberty which was fantastic and then we went to Times Square which was mind blowing. Now mind blowing isn't usually the word I would use for a city but in this case I will. Why? Because I felt like I took a step into the future! Everything was flashing including the NYPD sign.

Everywhere you looked there was bright colours, flashing lights and moving objects. It was so commercialised! I felt like I was going to see a flying car any second. We then went into 'Toys R us' and I immediately felt like a child again. They had a giant T-rex that moved and a giant barbie dream house. I was in paradise! 

After NY, we made our way to Pennsylvania where we saw the famous 'Liberty Bell'. Security was intense but it was a pretty amazing sight.. We then made our way to camp where for the first time ever, we set up our tents! It was a funny sight to see as 13 adults attempted to set up their own tents and yet failed miserably.. This is going to be an interesting trip.

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