Saturday, August 18, 2012

8 weeks, 2 months and 4 sessions.

Today was difficult. I finished packing and said a very emotional goodbye to my girls.. Once they all left, we then began the challenging task of cleaning up the cabin.. 6 trash bags later, (I kid you not!) we were done! It was then time to say goodbye to the counselors.. This was the most difficult of all. These girls have been my family over the past two months and they have all been so amazing. They helped me to discover a side of me I never knew and they helped me to become a better person. The thought of possibly not seeing them again is eating me up inside. I have been really blessed to make such amazing friends. It has been a life changing summer and one I shall never forget.
 8 weeks, 2 months and 4 sessions. How do you describe a summer like that?

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