So I just spent the last two days in Disneyland, the happiest place on earth. Let me paint a picture for you shall I?
You arrive early for magic hour (Where only a few select people get to enjoy Disney before it opens to the general public). The crowd goes wild with excitement and anticipation as they count down the seconds till the gates to Disney open. From outside you can vaguely see the inside of Disney. It's big, it's beautiful, it's everything you imagined and more. When the crowd counts down to zero, the gates open and the workers shout, "Let the magic begin." And so it does. You enter the gates, and immediately your senses are overwhelmed. It's humongous. It doesn't look that big on the map. Children are screaming with excitement. Parents are running around wildly after there kids. And there's you. Right in the midst of it all. Yes that's right, you're in Disneyland.
You look at the map trying to gather your bearings and plan out where to start but then you tuck your map away and start walking. Your not sure where but something pulls you. All of a sudden your a kid again. Your looking up in amazement and pointing in all different directions. Your laughing with pure joy at all the Disney characters surrounding you. Your high fiving the worker wearing the Micky Mouse glove and your scaling the stairs of sleeping beauty's castle. All your child hood fantasies have come true and you couldn't feel more alive.
Disneyland was an amazing experience. From riding in submarines to reliving all my favourite childhood movies, it was an extremely moving experience. To see families having the time of their lives (minus that child who has been to Disney one too many times) and witness the utter and pure joy on every child's face is truly beautiful. After my experience during my first night in Anaheim, it really restored my faith in humanity. I watched as some actors did a performance of how Disneyland was created and it all started with one man and his dream. Well that's all it takes folks. One person and their dream. That's where I begun and look where I am now. Nearing the end of a 4 and a half month journey on the other side of the world. We should never underestimate how powerful a dream can be. Take Martin Luther King for example. Your dream may just possibly be the start of a brighter future.