Thursday, September 13, 2012


Today was a very.. interesting day to say the least. I decided to do some shopping because I realised I'm in America and should probably be a normal girl for once and buy clothes. I Also decided I should see the new Batman movie and let's be honest, that's the real reason I went out. 
So the story begins Here. I arrived at the shops (probably a good place to start right?) and I walked into a store where I found myself being hit on by the shop keeper who made it very clear that he wanted to show me around LA. When I left that store I entered another where one of the workers said, "You have really pretty hair". When I responded with a, "Thank you" he picked up my accent and imposed "I would so move to Australia for you." Feeling both awkward and amused I left that store and made my way outside.. I entered into another store relieved to see a girl worker, made a quick purchase and then went outside. Assuming the coast was clear I started to walk and the next thing I knew, some guy was was tapping me on the shoulder, asking me my name and proposing that we should get to know each other. I then let him down gently by telling him that I was off to see a movie. After that I made my way to the ticket counter where the guy responded with, "Just one ticket?". I responded sharply with a "Yes" and he said "Well if I wasn't working I'd accompany you" and closed with a wink. By this stage I had begun to wonder if it was some practical joke. 4 guys in less than ten minutes? What is going on! 
After I purchased my ticket I went back outside as I still had a few minutes to spare. Of course yet another guy approached. He asked me if I liked hip hop and when I responded with a "No" he said, "Oh that's okay, I was going to ask if you wanted to buy my CD but you can just give me your number instead." By this point I was no longer amused  but rather frustrated. I then made my way to the movie and just happened to be the only person in the whole cinema. That was until half an hour later when a random guy came in and sat right behind me. Feeling scared, I shifted my body so I could see him in the corner of my eye just in case he tried something. Luckily he didn't try anything however he did disappear not long after. When the movie finished ( and it was a pretty dam good movie) I dropped my phone and out of no where, the same guy pops out and says "Looking for something". Yep this day couldn't have been any weirder.

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